I am a Civilian Marine
I am a unique member of the United States Marine Corps.
I do not wear the uniform of an active duty Marine. I will not be called upon to go to a foreign shore and fight a battle or wage a war against the enemies of freedom and human dignity. I will not be taken from my family to preserve an unstable ‘peace’ and the democratic way of life, as this country relies on the warriors of the United States Marine Corps to do.
Some would say then that I am not a ‘true’ Marine. They are wrong. I am there always to support. I know how very important my contribution is to the Corps and to the individual Marine with whom I work side by side. . . .
The 31st Commandant of the United States Marine Corps has said I am the soul of the Marine Corps. God bless him for that statement of recognition. I may not always be recognized as such, but I am a ‘true’ Marine. I am a Civilian Marine. Semper Fidelis!
- Margaret L. Carter, MCLB Barstow, CA