Gunnery Sgt. Melvin G. Ashley, escort, Funeral Detail, Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany, Ga., salutes as Marines carry the remains of fallen Marine Pfc. James O. Whitehurst to an awaiting hearse at the Tallahassee International Airport in Tallahassee, Fla., April 11. Whitehurst was killed in action at the battle of Tarawa during World War II, Nov. 20, 1943. In 2015 a private, non-profit organization known as History Flight excavated what is believed to be Cemetery 27 on the island of Betio, Tarawa, and recovered the remains of multiple individuals, one of them being Whitehurst. - Gunnery Sgt. Melvin G. Ashley, escort, Funeral Detail, Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany, Ga., salutes as Marines carry the remains of fallen Marine Pfc. James O. Whitehurst to an awaiting hearse at the Tallahassee International Airport in Tallahassee, Fla., April 11. Whitehurst was killed in action at the battle of Tarawa during World War II, Nov. 20, 1943. In 2015 a private, non-profit organization known as History Flight excavated what is believed to be Cemetery 27 on the island of Betio, Tarawa, and recovered the remains of multiple individuals, one of them being Whitehurst.