MARINE CORPS LOGISTICS BASE ALBANY -- The room went quiet as all the little children focused on the performers, wearing striped socks and hats, take their place in front of the classroom.
Sitting criss-crossed on the floor, children from Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany’s Child Development Center watched as 10 students from Radium Springs Middle Magnet School performed skits from Dr. Seuss and Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes, March 3.
Kia Bush, training and curriculum specialist, CDC, MCLB Albany, said the students were invited to help the CDC celebrate Read Across America.
“Read Across America is a way to introduce (the children) to the excitement of reading and to celebrate literacy,” Bush said. “Children learn so much through reading books, especially when they see adults read. They are influenced by our actions and our example invites them into the world of reading.”
She added, “The more you read, the more you know and the more you grow.”
With Read Across America, the community and parents can participate in the program, according to Bush.
Scott Kroll, band director and fine arts chair, Radium Middle Magnet School, said the smaller children are a very appreciative audience and it’s always fun.
“I want them to say, ‘I saw something our teacher read to us, but I saw it performed,’” Kroll said. “They have heard the story, they have seen the pictures, now they (have seen) an actual performance.
“(The children) will start connecting (that) books actually mean something,” he said.
At the end of the performance, Kroll said, “It’s a joy to be here and we look forward to our next visit.”