MARINE CORPS LOGISTICS BASE ALBANY, Ga. -- During the days of our forefathers, hunting wild game for dinner was commonplace in each household. As supermarkets have grown, meat is no longer hunted - except in our local grocer’s freezer or butcher block.
But under a big white canopy beneath a blanket full of stars in the sky, Marines from Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany experienced different types of meat and entrees during the 13th Annual Wild Game Dinner and Hunt Auction Oct. 11 at the Potter Community Center, hosted by the Chehaw Council of the Boy Scouts of America.
“The Boy Scouts donated tickets to the base and we were able to pass them out to the Marines to give them a chance to come out and see what it was all about,” said 1st Sgt. Anthony K. Wade, first sergeant, Headquarters Battalion, MCLB Albany. “This was my second time going and I really enjoyed myself.”
The buffet-style dinner featured quail, dove, duck, hog, venison and other exotic entrees for the eating enjoyment of everyone who attended the event.
“I tried a bunch of interesting food that I have never eaten before,” said Cpl. Adrian Fernandez, ammo technician, Installation and Logistics Division, Marine Corps Logistics Command. "I really enjoyed the quail though, it was really good food overall.”
Along with a lavish dinner, there was a silent and live auction during the dinner with prizes to include fishing trips, hunting rifles and a tractor.
“My favorite part of the night was looking at all the different types of rifles they had for auction and on display,” said Lance Cpl. Spencer Adams, traffic management specialist, Headquarters Battalion, MCLB Albany. “People were really nice out there, offering different things to eat and just real friendly toward everyone there. It was real nice turnout - there were people everywhere.”
Although there are many events that happen in and around Albany, the gesture of extending the tickets to the Marines didn’t go unnoticed.
“I have never lived in a town where the people were so friendly toward Marines,” Fernandez said. “If the event would have been during the weekend though, I think more Marines would have gone and it would have probably been better with their work schedule. I definitely want to go again next year.”