WEBVTT 00:00.270 --> 00:03.510 - Marines, Sailors, civilians, and our families. 00:03.510 --> 00:06.910 As you are well aware, the continuing spread of COVID-19 00:06.910 --> 00:10.030 is an increasing force health protection threat 00:10.030 --> 00:12.200 in regions where we live and work. 00:12.200 --> 00:14.130 Your military and civilian leadership 00:14.130 --> 00:16.890 are working to protect you and your families 00:16.890 --> 00:19.730 from the spread of coronavirus. 00:19.730 --> 00:22.040 My intent is to preserve the force 00:22.040 --> 00:24.390 while we continue the mission. 00:24.390 --> 00:27.020 Our Marines at the Marine Corps Recruit Depots, 00:27.020 --> 00:29.810 Officer Candidate School, and The Basic School 00:29.810 --> 00:31.830 will graduate as scheduled. 00:31.830 --> 00:33.830 However, I am directing leadership 00:33.830 --> 00:36.770 to close those graduations to the public 00:36.770 --> 00:39.260 in order to minimize the threat of spreading the virus 00:39.260 --> 00:42.030 to the force and our families. 00:42.030 --> 00:44.710 - Marines, the Commandant and I know how important 00:44.710 --> 00:47.410 these graduations are to you and your families. 00:47.410 --> 00:50.290 However, the current environment requires additional 00:50.290 --> 00:52.290 risk mitigation to ensure the safety 00:52.290 --> 00:55.003 of our newly graduated Marines and their families. 00:56.340 --> 01:00.060 - [Berger] I expect commanders across the force to apply judgment, 01:00.060 --> 01:03.790 comply with the best force health protection measures, 01:03.790 --> 01:05.670 and continue the mission. 01:05.670 --> 01:08.230 Leaders at all levels should execute travel 01:08.230 --> 01:09.810 that is mission essential, 01:09.810 --> 01:12.080 and minimize risk to your Marines 01:12.080 --> 01:14.623 by reducing large gatherings to a minimum. 01:15.700 --> 01:18.360 - Know that your travel, official, personal 01:18.360 --> 01:20.660 and PCS will potentially be impacted 01:20.660 --> 01:24.090 by screenings, quarantines, and other restrictions. 01:24.090 --> 01:26.410 Most importantly, remain updated 01:26.410 --> 01:29.000 with the latest guidance provided by your leadership. 01:29.000 --> 01:31.770 And for those of you executing PCS orders, 01:31.770 --> 01:33.320 stay in contact with your monitor 01:33.320 --> 01:36.193 for any emerging restrictions or additional measures. 01:37.240 --> 01:39.120 - Sergeant Major and I need all of you 01:39.120 --> 01:42.513 to remain ready to respond to what our nation may ask of us.